2015 – the most productive year yet for Life Support Foundation

Life Support Foundation 2015 has been the most productive year yet for Life Support Foundation. We have dramatically increased our activities, carried out many projects and spread awareness of global anaesthesia and intensive care in Sweden, Tanzania and other countries. Our work has helped to improve the care for some of the sickest and most disadvantaged patients in the world, reduced suffering and saved lives.IMG_1170_3

What we have done in 2015:

 Training in Paediatrics and Care of Critically Ill Children (30 participants)
Dar es Salaam Refresher Course in Obstetric Anaesthesia and Obstetric Emergency Care  (53 participants)
 Training in Trauma and Emergency Anaesthesia (33 participants) Total now trained on Life Support courses = 431IMG_0425
 Pre-departure training courses for 23 staff from Sweden
 Training in Critical Care & Anaesthesia Where There is No Doctor for African Non-Physician Clinicians in Gotland, Sweden

 Two exchanges to Karolinska by anaesthetic resident doctors from Muhimbili
 Two exchanges to Karolinska by Paediatricians from Muhimbili
 Three exchanges to Karolinska Institutet / Karolinska Hospital by Tanzanian doctors to participate in a PhD defence
 Bedside teaching in Obstetric Anaesthesia, Care of Sick Mothers and Neonatology at Muhimbili & other Dar Hospitals by doctors and nurses from Stockholm
 Bedside teaching on the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Muhimbili by doctors and nurses from Swedenimage-300x225NY

Professional Support
 Continued support for the training of Dr. Eva Shanga to become a Specialist in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care
 Successfully lobbying the Ministry of Health to increase the number of trainees in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Tanzania from one in 2013 to nine in 2014 and ten in 2015
 Two delegates from Life Support Foundation held lectures at the second Scientific Conference of the Society of Anaesthesiologists of Tanzania (SATA) in May 2015
 Financial support for 13 anaesthetic nurses from rural hospitals in Tanzania to attend the SATA conference

 Donation of 150 anaesthesia and paediatrics handbooks to doctors and nurses in Dar es Salaam
 Donation of 80 USB Memory sticks filled with medical e-books and medical information
 Donation of 15 anaesthesia textbooks to all Anaesthesia residents in Tanzania
 Distribution of 73 pulse oximeters to anaesthetic nurses from hospitals in rural Tanzania

 Continued use and follow-up of the Vital Signs Directed Therapy protocol on the ICU at Muhimbili
 Publication of “Single Deranged Physiologic Parameters Are Associated With Mortality in a Low-Income Country” in the peer-reviewed journal Critical Care Medicine
 Publication of “Severely deranged vital signs as triggers for acute treatment modifications on an intensive care unit in a low-income country” in the peer-reviewed journal BMC Research Notes
 Publication of “Quality of anaesthesia for Caesarean sections: a cross-sectional study of a university hospital in a low-income country” in the peer-reviewed journal Tropical Medicine & International Health
 Completion of two Medical Student projects  Article sent for publication: “Vital Signs Directed Therapy in Intensive Care in Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania”
Successful defence of the PhD “Critical Care in Low Resource Settings” by Dr. Tim Baker
 Completed analysis for Resident project “ICU admission at Muhimbili National Hospital”  Completed analysis for the research “Paediatric Anaesthesia at Muhimbili”

OtherIMG_1201_2 - beskuren
 Secured funding for two years from Kavli Fund for the project “Saving Lives for Mothers & Babies in Dar es Salaam”
 Employed Christin Edmark as Project Manager for Saving Lives for Mothers & Babies in Dar
 Employed Noomi Lind as Communication and Development Officer
 Established monthly donors to Life Support Foundation
 Conducted Sweden’s first seminar in Global Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at the national Anaesthesia Conference (SFAI)
 Assisted in establishing the Nordic Network for Global Surgery & Anaesthesia

Please stay interested and in-touch with Life Support Foundation & MKAIC in 2016!

Tim Baker, Lars Irestedt, Henrik Jörnvall, Berith Tingåker, Claes Frostell, Noomi Lind, Christin Edmark

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Donations can be made to Bank account 5252-104820
Bankgiro 502-156, Swish 1234610804
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Downloas as pdf:
Seasons Greetings Life Support Foundation 2015

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