Support Us
How can I help?
Support is needed to make Life Support Foundation a success. Join us in saving lives through becoming a monthly donor and a friend of Life Support Foundation or by giving a gift through bankgiro or swish. Donations are gratefully received. All support will make a big difference to Life Support!
What is the situation?
Millions of people in the world die of surgically treatable conditions. Acute and emergency care has been hugely under-prioritized and under-resourced in Tanzania and other low-income countries. Safe Anaesthesia is required to perform surgery, but there is a huge lack of Anaesthesiologists. In Tanzania there are only 22 on a population of 49 millions. Life Support Foundation is the organization that has Anesthesia and Intensive care as its focus.
What treatment is needed?
Fluids, oxygen, blood transfusions, glucose. Basic medical care for sick patients can be
summarised in the classic “ABC” of Airway, Breathing, Circulation. If good quality
ABC care was available all over the world, hundreds of thousands of lives would be saved.
All funds will go directly to facilitate the training courses, staff exchanges and
other initiatives.
What does my money provide?
35 kr – One USB memory stick for a health worker in Tanzania full of material about
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
190 kr – One Handbook on Obstetric Anaesthesia to a healthworker in Tanzania
1000 kr – The costs of one participant to an Life Support training course
2000 kr – The costs to pay for one participant to a National Anaesthesia Conference
38 000 kr – The costs per year for sponsoring the training of one Anaesthesiologist
80 000 kr – All the costs for a whole Life Support Training course
Life Support has a certified account. Organization number: 802477-9061
More information?
Life Support Foundation
Bråvallagatan 6, 5tr
113 36 Stockholm

Other ways to donate Money:
Bankgiro: 502-1456
SWISH: 1234610804