ZEP- Zanzibar Education Program
Expanding the Muhimbili-Karolinska Collaboration: Enhancing Training, Knowledge, and Saving Lives
Since 2008 we have built up the Muhimbili-Karolinska Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Collaboration. We have a strong relationship between the staff at the two hospitals in Tanzania and Sweden, regular communication and shared goals. We have since expanded to include collaborations with Danderyds Sjukhus, BB Stockholm and other hospitals in Stockholm, and Amana Regional Hospital and other hospitals in Dar es Salaam. We have a huge base of knowledge and experience among national and international experts and a core of dedicated, enthusiastic project leaders.
We have conducted a series of training courses, exchanges and projects and have shown that our aims are realistic and that we have the competence and structures to make it work. We have been able to show with before-and-after tests that we have increased knowledge by 30% and we have improved practices and save lives.
Life Support Foundation is extending its work to other parts of Tanzania and subsequently to other low-income countries. Since 2016 Life Support Foundation is also working in Malawi.