New course in Dar es Salaam in May

Our obstetric anesthesia and obstetric emergency care course will be held again at Amana Hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, between 8th and 12th of May.

DSC_0087 - kopiaTogether with local staff, Swedish health care professionals will lecture and lead scenario exercises, to increase the basic knowledge in saving the lives of mothers and babies during childbirth. So far, over 570 doctors and nurses in Tanzania have completed courses led by Life Support Foundation.

Last year was the first time for Dr Bijan Darvish, Karolinska University Hospital, to be with Life Support Foundation in Tanzania. He will be back at Amana this year:DSC_0196

– I have never before experienced similar relief work and I realize that I should have started many years ago. To experience health care in Tanzania, even for a few days has really been “an eye-opener”. Health care is driven with minimal resources by enthusiastic people who have great potential for development and the need of basic education initiatives. The contribution from Life Support Foundation saves lives.

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