
“We have a lot of deaths that could be avoided”

What they have seen in Sweden will help them save more babies lives. Kandi Muze and Jacqueline Shoo are determined to spread knowledge of correct early treatments for babies in Tanzania. The weather may not be as chilly as normal for December, but Dr Kandi Catherine Muze and Dr Jacqueline


2015 – the most productive year yet for Life Support Foundation

Life Support Foundation 2015 has been the most productive year yet for Life Support Foundation. We have dramatically increased our activities, carried out many projects and spread awareness of global anaesthesia and intensive care in Sweden, Tanzania and other countries. Our work has helped to improve the care for some


New Alumni will spread knowledge about intensive care in Tanzania

An Alumni Association has been started for doctors and nurses in Tanzania who have visited Sweden as part of the Life Support Foundation/MKAIC exchange programme. The aim is to spread the knowledge about anaesthesia, intensive care and obstetrics throughout the country. A number of doctors and nurses from Tanzania have


Dags för orienteringsdag på KS den 30 januari

Vill du dela med dig av dina kunskaper till kolleger i Tanzania och berikas som individ och yrkesperson? Missa inte Life Support Foundation/MKAIC:s sjätte orienteringsdag på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset den 30 januari. – Det är lätt att bli hemmablind om man aldrig jobbat utomlands. Denna erfarenhet har gett mig en ödmjukhet


LSF and MKAIC Paediatrics welcome Dr Jaqueline Shoo and Dr Kandi Muze

LSF and MKAIC Paediatrics welcome Dr Jaqueline Shoo and Dr Kandi Muze from the Department of Paediatrics at Muhimbili Hospital to a two week visit to Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital in Huddige. The visit includes training at the Centre for Advanced Medical Simulation along with auscultation at the neonatology wards,


From a life on the street to a nurse anaesthetist

He lived on the street, but never gave up his dream. Today Michael Christian is a nurse anaesthetist at Bagamoyo District Hospital, and is dedicated to save lives. For his heart touching words of a mother that he will never forget, he won the essay competition at the latest course


The first Swedish-Tanzanian Trauma course held at MOI

Trauma kills more people than malaria, HIV and TBC together. As a step towards improving care and saving more lives, a Trauma Anesthesia Training Course has for the first time been held at Muhimbili Orthopedic Institute (MOI) in Dar es Salaam through a collaboration between MOI and MKAIC / Life


“By working together we will save lives”

“Step by step, by working together, we can improve anaestethic and obstretic care, and we will save lives.” This was the opening message delivered by Dr Berith Tingåker at the Muhimbili Hospital on Monday the 9 of November when a new course in Obstretic Anaesthesia started in Dar es Salaam,


Disputation blir startskottet för livräddande projekt i Dar

Tim Bakers doktorsavhandling ”Critical Care in Low Resource Settings – ABC” blir startskottet för att rädda fler mödrars och spädbarns liv i Tanzania. Direkt efter disputationen på fredag den 6 november, startar Life Support Foundation ett tvåårigt projekt i Dar Es Salaam. Miljontals mödrar och barn i världen dör trots


PhD Defence and Seminar in November

Tim Baker from Life Support Foundation will defend his PhD titled “Critical Care in Low Resource Settings” on the 6th November 9am at Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm. Tim’s opponent, Prof Elizabeth Molyneux, will hold a seminar the day before, 5th November 2pm-3pm: “MDG progress in childhood targets: lessons from Malawi’s


“Skoljoggen” till förmån för Life Support Foundation

Onsdagen den 23 september sprang barnen i Smedslättsskolan i Bromma “Skoljoggen” till förmån för Life Support Foundation och MKAIC Paediatrics projekt i Tanzania. Barnen, som går i låg- och mellanstadiet, skänkte tio kronor var till projektet och sprang sedan runt Solviksslingan i hällande regn. LSF skickar ett varmt tack till


Sponsorship of Residents: Eva Shanga

Dr Eva Shanga has now completed her first year of studying Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at MUHAS in Dar, and has passed her exams. Congratulations, Eva! We are delighted that the Educational Microloan and Scholarship Foundation will be sponsoring her second year. Thank you EDUF! Read more


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