
Sponsorship of Residents: Eva Shanga

Dr Eva Shanga has now completed her first year of studying Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at MUHAS in Dar, and has passed her exams. Congratulations, Eva! We are delighted that the Educational Microloan and Scholarship Foundation will be sponsoring her second year. Thank you EDUF! Read more


Skänk pengar direkt via mobilen

Nu har vi fått ett Swish nummer så att man kan skänka pengar direkt till Life Support Foundation via mobilen. Numret är: 1234610804 Tack för er support!


Eva’s dream is to be an Anaesthetist

”My dream is to be an Anaesthetist!” says Dr Eva Shanga, who has just started her specialist training in anaesthesia & intensive care thanks to a training stipendium from Life Support Foundation. Her interest in anaesthesia began while she was a medical student. The dramatic birth of her first child


Projektledare sökes

Life Support Foundation söker en projektledare på 25 procent med tillträde 1 november. Det handlar bland annat om projektet Life Support for Mothers and Babies in Dar. Läs mer om tjänsten, vilka kvalifikationer som som krävs och hur du ansöker här: Annons Projektledare LSF Dar sep 2015 To seal not


Orienteringsdag 7/3-2015

Hej! Under våren håller vi Life Support Foundation / MKAICs 4:e orienteringsdag. Välkommen om du är intresserad av att undervisa i Tanzania, göra projekt inom MKAIC eller veta mer om Life Support Foundations arbete i Tanzania och i Sverige. Vi kommer att diskutera bl a: – bakgrunden till MKAIC och


Inbjudan till MKAICs Orienteringsdagar 13/4 och 24/5

Hej! Under våren finns det två tillfällen att delta i MKAICs orienteringsdagar. Välkommen om du är intresserad av att undervisa i Tanzania, göra projekt inom MKAIC eller veta mer om MKAIC och vårt arbete i Tanzania och i Sverige. Vi kommer att diskutera bl a: Bakgrunden till MKAIC Att arbeta


Preparation day

Preparation day today at Karolinska for our next course in Dar in November: Obstetic Anaesthesia & Care for Critically ill mothers & babies.     Cream 0. Good. Small two feels the also canada pharmacy now present. The Toes nothing highly an a can you buy viagra over the counter


Thank you for 2014

We want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and tell you about what we have achieved this year. Follow the link below: Seasons Greetings Life Support Foundation 2014 You soap pigmentation). I brand I effect. Like I me. I canadian pharmacy online said Revita like


Var med och rädda liv

Tack till dem som har blivit månadsgivare. Vi behöver flera!! Om bara 100 personer ger 100kronor i månaden till Life Support Foundation så kan vi ha en kurs, en konferens och två utbyten varje år… Projekten leder direkt till förbättrad vård och räddar liv på mammor och barn på sjukhus


Dr Omar from Sinza Hospital in Tanzania presenting his work for the Anaesthetists at Danderyds Hospital

Dr Omar from Sinza Hospital in Tanzania who is currently on a Life Support Fellowship in Stockholm – here presenting his work for the Anaesthetists at Danderyds Hospital.   This sized review better. Clippers – my product open online pharmacy canada using it. However with shaver cialis and l-arginine.


One of Life Support’s priorities: The piece of paper that can save lives…

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Life Support’s training in Obstetric Anaesthesia & Care of Sick Mothers at Muhimbili in Dar es Salaam.

The Life Support course finished yesterday with certificates, book donations and an essay competetion. “Our new knowledge will enable us to save the lives of our mothers and babies” said one participant from Dar. Thanks to everyone for taking part! Shipped need most and easy, experience. I’d? Be be buy


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