Kilimanjaro Education Exchange Program (KEEP)
Building education capacity at KCMC
Kilimanjaro aims to improve nurse education in Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College (KCMC)

Addressing Maternal Mortality Crisis
Anaesthesia & Intensive Care in Malawi has been under-prioritised. For the 17 million population, there are only four anaesthesiologists and 25 intensive care beds. The maternal mortality ratio is high – 634 per 100,000 live births, compared to 398 in Tanzania and 4 in Sweden, according to WHO Statistics 2016.
To advance the specialty, the recently established Society of Anaesthesiologists is planning annual conferences:
“National meetings are vital to provide refresher training for anaesthesia practitioners from the whole country, to connect anaesthetists with each other and to boost morale."
Dr Tim Baker from Life Support Foundation who is currently based in Blantyre, Malawi.
"This is a real opportunity to build capacity within Anaesthesia & Intensive Care in Malawi, and develop this vital specialty”
Dr Tim Baker from Life Support Foundation who is currently based in Blantyre, Malawi.